Posted by Tina
It’s not just going on at the federal level or in our own state of California. Nope…BIG government cheating, squeezing and robbing is going on all across America. It’s a rip off of extraordianry proportions. We are losing freedom, choice, opportunity, jobs, wealth, our standard of living and perhaps worst of all, our childrens’ futures. Government isn’t just getting bigger, it is becoming tyranical. In the following story a fraud has been perpetrated on Oregon taxpayers by ” state officials” in order to push the BIG green agenda, alternative energy:
“State lowballed cost of green tax breaks,” by Harry Esteve – The Oregonian
State officials deliberately underestimated the cost of Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s plan to lure green energy companies to Oregon with big taxpayer subsidies, resulting in a program that cost 40 times more than unsuspecting lawmakers were told, an investigation by The Oregonian shows. ** Records also show that the program, a favorite of Kulongoski’s known as the Business Energy Tax Credit, has given millions of dollars to failed companies while voters are being asked to raise income taxes because the state budget doesn’t have enough to pay for schools and other programs. ** The official estimates turned out to be absurdly low. In 2007-09, the business tax credit cost the state $68 million, of which about $40 million can be attributed to the bigger subsidies. The latest estimate for 2009-11 puts the tab for subsidies at $167 million in lost revenue, which is projected to grow to $243 million for 2011-13 — about what Oregon spends now from its general fund on the entire state police budget.
The numbers are bad and the price tag for working Oregonians is deplorable. The underhanded method of perpetrating this fraud is sadly not all that uncommon….in fact, a certain health care proposal comes to mind. A-hem!
Please do yourself and the rest of America a favor and attend the next Tea Party Meeting in your area…and please, while you’re at it be a true patriot and pledge to be diligent until the day you draw your very last breath!