Highly Offensive Muslim Tee Shirts for Sale

by Hamid Hamas Al-Sharidi

Recently PS received a comment from someone, probably a spammer, who gave us the URL noted below where you could buy terribly offensive Muslim tee shirts. These tee shirts were defaming the Prophet Mohammed. They said and I quote, “Watch and read mohammed T-shirt art from Sweden at, http://www.mohammedt-shirt.com”

We think this URL is from Holland, but we are not sure, it may be
Sweden as the poster said. How does one find out where: “http://www.mohammedt-shirt.com” would be located?

Please don’t look at this site as it contains offensive and objectionable material and it’s not funny at all!


I know, I know, a lot of people are fed up with these hatefilled Muslim rallies and you might be inclined to buy such items as an in-your-face reply to a very small minority of Muslim extremists, but we encourage folks to resist such urges and not wear things that would inflame the passions of Muslims and cause distress, things are bad enough!

And if I may add this one more note of prudence: If you see should see Muslims in your country protesting, carrying signs to denounce your form of democacy, even if they are firebombing cars, throwing rocks at the police or telling you, a private citizen, to basically go to H-e-double hockey sticks, please stop, take a deep breath and calm down. Then try responding to such unpleasantness by just ignorning it. Do not go after them like a rabid animal bent on laying them out cold. Think how people would behave if the situation was reversed and you were insulting their beliefs in an Arab country and then follow their tolerance and understanding.

Violence, that is not the way to go. How will attacking, punching and kicking the protestors solve anything? Show them how patient civilized people can be and try to get in touch with their issues. Attacking them with baseball bats and bricks won’t solve their underlying issues, even if it solves yours. Peace out.

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