Tea Party Reprise Today in DC

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Posted by Tina


That was the chant heard at the Capitol today when 10,000 patriots showed up to protest the nearly 2000 page health care bill that Nancy Pelosi sent to the floor of the House for debate. Remarkably the Speaker did this without the required signature of a single Republican committee member. The woman apparently has no respect for the rules. Our system of checks and balances suddenly has less meaning for herthan it had last year.

The Tea Party protest was suggested within the last two or three days making the sizable response quite impressive. One woman spent $500.00 to fly in from Colorado; another came all the way from from California. Tea Partiers across the country are encouraged to show up at the local offices of their representatives to encourage them to vote no on this complex bill.

Reports of arrests were made by the Washington Post and Politico but it turned out that the nine people arrested were from Code Pink protesting from the Democrat perspective. They were arrested after refusing to leave the building they had invaded.

Read the Politico story here.

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