World’s Best Special Forces

There are a few highly trained Special Forces units in the world such as Navy Seals, Delta, SAS, JTF2, Royal Parachute Regiment, GSG 9, Australian and New Zealand S.A.S, GROM, SANDF, Green Berrets and these units are all worthy of being called the


best. However the SAS and SBS of Great Britain are generally regarded by most military experts to be the best in the world.

This is because:
1) They have more experience than any other SF regiment in the world.
2) Nearly all SF have been modelled upon them and trained by them including JTF2 and Delta.
3) They have the toughest selection program on the planet.
4) SAS/SBS soldiers are hand picked veteran soldiers mainly from the Royal Parachute Regiment and Royal Marines Commandos which are all ready very tough regiments.
5) They have the longest training programs.
6) They have an extremely good track record.
7) They are the oldest SF in the world.

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2 Responses to World’s Best Special Forces

  1. Rodan Rick says:

    I think the best are the swiss special forces DRA21, they finish 1st inalmost every SF competition. Furthermore they are training the SAS (in Switzerland Alps)

    • Post Scripts says:

      You might be right Rick, but there are so few of them they can’t make much difference, so their training and expertise will probably go unnoticed by most of the world. next problem is, the Swiss are so good at distancing themselves from any conflict they will likely never even see combat. So we’ll never know how they are under fire and that’s where it counts most.

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