UPDATE Wikipedias acceptance in Schools and Colleges

By One Vike

I will dispense with a long introduction and come right out an apologize for an error in my article, “Losing the Climate Debate, That’s Ok, Just Change History” . In the article I made this statement;

Just so you know, Wikipedia is the online source, that 90% of all schools and colleges around the world prefer that their students use when looking for facts about any subject the instructor is teaching. So we are talking about information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world.

Well, I have been inundated with emails and comments as to my miss-characterization of the respect college professors and k-12 teachers have for Wikipedia. I was going off information given to me by a well respected source and that source is even one of the email responses I received about my article. It would seem I was in error by not properly stating what my source offered me as to the respectability and acceptance of information gleened from Wikipedia. This is what I should have written in my article;

Just so you know, Wikipedia is the online source, and while 90% of schools and colleges would prefer that their students not use it as a reference for their work, instructors do realize that a majority of their students do use Wikipedia as a source to get started in their search for information. Usually the information the student get from Wikipedia will lead them down a path that can often times take them to other questionable sources that the instructors cannot verify to for qualifying nor disqualify as acceptable sources for the students work. So what we have is a vast amount if information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world.

However, even with this correction, I still stand behind my assertion that the supporters of the theory that man is responsible for the radical changes in earths climate, are attempting to rewrite history to fit their cooked scientific data. A mere look at what Google or Yahoo brings up when you type in the phrase “Medieval Warming Period” in their search engines will show you that the push is on to change the historical facts. You will see that a vast amount of sites are now jumping aboard the propaganda that the Medieval Warming and the Mini Ice ages were localized phenomenas in Europe and not climate changes that effected the whole earth.

In today’s digital world of on-line information, a lie can travel half way around the world before truth has a chance to put its shoes on, and it is incumbent upon those of us who write and offer our opinions to be sure that our facts are correct before we offer our articles for publishing. In the future I promise to be more careful in my writing, and in how I explain the information I am given by sources who trust me.

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