Terrorist Attack – Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab – NorthWest Airlines

by Jack Lee, Post Scripts (International News)


  • We were warned well in advance
  • The Islamic extremist was in our data base
  • Visa contained clues of impending attack
  • Yemen connection and known terrorist associations
  • High explosive made it through best security screening
  • Terrorist fit the perfect “profile” but profiling is not allowed
  • Suspect granted permission to enter USA
  • Billion dollar security failed us. . . again!
1657-NW airplane.jpg

On or about Oct 8th 2009, Dr. Umaru Abdul Mutallab, a wealthy banker and the father of airplane bomber Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, contacted US Counter-terrorism officials and said he was extremely concerned about his son’s welfare, due to his involvement into Islamic fanaticism. He said his son had extremist views and feared he could get involved with Islamic terrorism. He said he and his son had not spoken directly for almost a year, but he had received reliable reports from friends and relatives who were in contact with him and they believed his 23 year old son was headed for serious trouble.

(Dr. Umaru Abdul Mutallab shown below and right)



According to the information given by his father, Abdulmutallab had studied mechanical engineering at the University College of London. He had enrolled in 2005 and was last known to be a student in late 2008. Since he had dropped out of college his whereabouts was uncertain.

Abdulmutallab was granted a visa to travel to the United States. It was issued June 16, 2008 and was good until June 12, 2010.

Abdulmutallab was last known to be living in a 4 million dollar flat in Central London in an upscale West Side neighborhood near the former President of Pakistan flat.

On or about Oct 15th, 2009 a link analysis showed Abdulmutallab had serious connections to known Al Qeada operatives and/or associates. An intelligence analyst entered Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab data with all his known associations into a national data base where it stayed without further follow up.

Note: Dr. Muttalab was born in 1939 in Katsina township, the home state of Nigeria’s sickly leader Umaru Musa Yar’adua. He is a former minister and the current chairman of First Bank in Nigeria.

On Nov. 20th 2009 Homeland Security issue heightened security alert for air travel during the holidays. Despite the data indicating a possible terrorist threat, Intelligence supervisors at Homeland, FBI, and CIA had failed to enter Abdulmutallab’s name on the no-fly list and had taken no further action since the original report was filed in October of 2009.

Dec. 25th, 2009, Abdulmutallab boarded a Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit after being screened for explosives and weapons by one of the world best security check

1654-DELTA-NORTHWEST-AIRLINES-large.jpg Flight 253 was an Airbus A330 wide-body jet carrying 278 passengers. The Airbus A330 is a twin-engine, wide-body, long range airliner capable of carrying between 240 and 350 passengers over a range of 10,400 kilometers (5,600 nautical miles).

Abdulmutallab was flying from Nigeria to the United States for a religious seminar, according to his entry information for US Customs. Islamic terrorists have a common habit of referring to an upcoming attack as a “wedding” or “religious event”.

This notation on Abdulmutallab travel Visa should have been a major red flag among many others previously noted when compared to a link analysis of his associations and his father’s stern warning to U.S. Officials.

Dec. 25th, 2009, at approximately 1130 hours, Abdulmutallab sat in a window seat in the center section over the planes fuel tank. He opened the front of his pants and began to use a syringe to mix a liquid into a power substance contained in a plastic bag taped to his inner thigh. This mixture quickly reacted and there were several small explosions in quick succession. One of the passengers climbed over stunned passengers towards the “suspect” , and jumped him, grabbing the plastic bag still taped to Abdulmutallab’ leg and ripped it away and threw it.

Shortly afterward, Abdulmutallab was forcibly taken to the front of the plane (usually such people are taken to the rear) with his pants cut off and his legs burned, a passenger said. I saw a burned pillowcase near where he was sitting at, another passenger said. A U.S. official said that the “explosive” failed to properly detonate.

A passenger said, “I saw a burned pillowcase near where he was sitting at, another passenger said.

“It sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase,” said Peter Smith, a traveler from the Netherlands. “First there was a pop, and then (there) was smoke.”

There was nothing out of the ordinary about the flight until it was on final approach to Detroit, said Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory. That is when the pilot declared an emergency, she said. The flight landed at 12:51 p.m. EST, she said.

Passengers and crew were detained for 6 hours for investigations.

At approximately 1250 hours President Barack Obama was notified of the incident and discussed it with security officials, the White House said. It said he is monitoring the situation and receiving regular updates from his vacation spot in Hawaii.


(Jasper Schuringa shown left)The passenger who tackled the terrorist was Jasper Schuringa, a video director and producer from Amsterdam. Schuringa said he heard a sound that reminded him of a firecracker and someone yelling, “Fire! Fire!” But he was only certain something was wrong when he saw smoke. He saw Abdulmutallab’s pants open and he was holding a burning object between his legs. “I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away,” Schuringa said.

He said he then screamed for water and pulled Abdulmutallab out of his seat and dragged him to the front of the plane.

London’s Metropolitan Police also was working with U.S. officials, said a spokeswoman who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with department policy. A search was under way Saturday at an apartment building where Mutallab is said to have lived in a posh West London neighborhood.

26 Dec., 2009: Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) , “Airline bombing suspect had ‘significant terrorist connections”

King, the top Republican member of the House Homeland Security Committee, described the suspect in the attempted bombing of a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit as a 23-year-old Nigerian national with potential ties to al-Qaeda.

A senior Obama administration official told ABC News Christmas evening that the Northwest airlines incident “was an attempted act of terrorism. We’re taking increased steps to mitigate any threats.”

The official said that earlier reports that the explosives lit were firecrackers were not true, but did not comment further on the nature of the devices. The official added that the administration as for now does not believe that the attack was part of a broader effort.

King provided the earliest confirmation that the suspect, whose name King said he had, might have been affiliated with terrorists. (Might?)

The latest information just minutes old (1047 hours 26 Dec 2009) is the explosive used is strongly believed to be PETN. If true this would tend to lend more credibility to Abdulmutallab claim he was an Al Qaeda operative and had picked up the explosive in Yemen just before his flight.

PETN is a military grade explosive and is also known as pentaerythritol tetranitrate (also known as corpent, pentrite or pentrit), is one of the most powerful high explosives known, with a relative effectiveness factor (R.E. factor) of 1.66, far more than dynamite. It can be detonated using a liquid oxidizer which causes a violent chain reaction and explosion.

Nigeria: Nigeria is the most populous in Africa has been the scene of long time tensions pitting the mostly Muslim North against the Christian South.

Most of Nigeria’s Muslims adhere to the Sufi sect, considered to be less contentious and dogmatic than other forms of Islam. Probably mindful of Nigeria’s great oil wealth it has nonetheless become a target of Sunni extremists [Salafists] from outside the country, hence al-Qaeda has been making inroads and establishing terrorist cells.

“The growth of al-Qaeda cells in Nigeria, particularly in the fertile breeding ground of the north, give evidence of the growing radical Islamic threat in the country. The increase in Islamic militancy and government corruption and weakness entice al-Qaeda to step up activity in the country.

Radical Muslims have already struck at the state in attacks on police stations. In September 40 armed insurgents assaulted a police station, killing its commander and two other officers. Several other police stations have also been assault targets. Al-Qaeda usage of Nigeria as a communications hub is also evidence of al-Qaeda aggression in Nigeria.

The capture of al-Qaeda information systems operative in Pakistan led investigators to Nigerian web sites and e-mail systems used by al-Qaeda to diseminate [sic] information and instructions. Again, the weakness of the central government with no regulatory policy over the telecommunications industry in the country is what drew al-Qaeda to Nigeria. The breakup of the Nigeria state is a real threat because of al-Qaeda.” Source, Al-Qaeda’s Secret Plan for Africa: Terrorise, Divide, Seize

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