The Game Has Changed for Airport Security

by Jack Lee

According to a number of world news agencies including CNN and the London Telegraph, the game has radically changed with the introduction of new kind of profile for airline terrorism.

How Al Qeada fooled our most brilliant minds in security:
This time the terrorist was a male. He was 23 years old, and he was a devout Muslim. (This could be almost anybody – no red flags here) He was known to be affiliating with Al Qaeda members and in his younger years he had been a very vocal defender of Al Qaeda’s terror tactics. (We don’t recognize guilt by association or the silly harmless rantings of youth) A year before the attack he declared to his friends he was moving to Yemen to study Arabic, Yemen is a hotbed of terrorist activities and where the USS Cole was bombed. (Big deal, he wanted to study Arabic and to converse with new found friends, nothing wrong there.) So far he looks completely average young man, right? Yes, a typical citizen, absolutely no clues as to his future diabolical intentions. But, here’s where it really caught security cold: This (alleged) terrorist was from Nigeria and he was black. Black?! Hey, that’s never happened before – we had no contingency plan in place! This being “black” thing is completely new and it threw off all our security experts. It has left officials around the world stunned and befuddled, they never considered a terrorist could be black. Now you can see why CNN says the game has changed!

Who could have possibly conceived a 23 year old extremely devout muslim, associating with terrorists, defending terror attacks and living in Yemen who is “black” would smuggled a bomb onto an aircraft to kill hundreds of innocents? And nobody did!

This “racial” component has definately changed the game and put security into a whole new dimension never conceived of previously. Teams of experts are expected to be meeting and evaluating how to combat this completely new and completely unexpected terrorist threat. According to Janet Napolitano, Homeland Chief, “We just can’t go around stopping every black person from boarding an aircraft, now can we?” Napolitano does however continue to advocate we look closely at our returning veterans as possible terrorist suspects. “They’re trained in military ways and don’t seem to like the current government very much.” she warned.

Local officials have suggested adding additional security lights to the Gridley Fair grounds. “This is what we did right after 9/11 and it worked, no terror attacks for a long time. But those lights are now in need of updating. Technology has changed!” said a County Fair-anti-terrorist spokesman.

Since 2002 Homeland Security has spent about 128 million dollars on security light improvements at county fairs across the USA. A large portion of this money went to North Dakota which has remained relatively terrorist free.

On behalf of a grateful citizen, thank you Homeland!

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