The Digital Age Has Produced the Dumbest Generation

by Jack

The technological age has made Gen Y stupid! Or at least one could make a pretty good case for it, just look at how much time they invest in homework verses video games. The average student today spends about 1.5 hours per week doing homework and 20 hours playing on the X-Box and this has them dumbed down and lazy.


Today’s Gen Y’s are likely the biggest dopes our society has ever seen. They’re lacking in almost everything that makes one an adult and a valuable member of society. They frequently do incredibly stupid things attesting to their arrested development, low intelligence and low morals. (You read the headlines, I don’t really need to itemize their stupidity here)

By Twittering their life away or text messaging 200 plus cyber friends they have walled themselves off from any hope of having a real relationship and at the same time they have abandoned their most valuable asset, their family!


. You see them everywhere, especially in wi-fi coffee shops in downtown Chico, texting away on their iPods or from lap tops. Sometimes I wonder if they are texting someone in the same coffee shop or even at the same table?

The digital age is upon us and for our Gen Y’s it’s been a drag: The Gen Y’s are taking adolescent behaviors well into their 20’s. They have little to no ability to think beyond whatever their age was when they dropped out to live in cyber-space. Now they have trouble effectively self-directing (and not just in work, but in a variety of situations). They are politically inept if not docile, linguistically lacking, historically starved, and as one writer recently said, “they’re about as selfish as can be, existing in an small bubble with very thick walls.”

Well, at least they have mastered the X-BOX, woop-dee-doo. Unfortunately that’s not enough to be called intelligent or an effective contribution to society.

Their Gen is useless, cultureless, grey, shallow and completely directionless. Despite trying, I can’t even get myself to have a conversation with most of them. They take the levels of stupidity to new lows. I feel embarrassed for them and even more so for their parents. They are not Generation Y, they are Generation Stupid. Thank God I’m old enough to remember how to do math in my head and not on an iPhone.

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