Janet Napolitano Assures Public That Flying is Safe

Posted by Jack Lee

Update: New Jersey Governor says Napolitano is totally unqualified for her position. She has NO law enforcement training or counterterrorism experience. She’s just a political gas bag appointed because of who she knows and little else.

In appearances on Sunday talk shows, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the traveling public “is very, very safe.”

Speaking about the Northwest bomber, “This was one individual literally of thousands that fly and thousands of flights every year,” Napolitano said. “And he was stopped before any damage could be done. I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have.” On Sunday,1666-airplane765.jpg

” Napolitano said, “The system worked and a tragedy was averted.”

Others in the US government strongly disagree with Napolitano and think she should be fired. New Jersey’s acting governor wrote this letter to Napolitano:

Dear Secretary Napolitano:

I’m writing to you today to express deep concerns with the direction of the nation’s homeland security response, especially in regards to the handling of terrorist Umar

Farouk Abdulmutallad in the months prior to – and days since – his Christmas Day attack on a Northwest Airlines Flight 253 landing in Detroit.

Based on the handling of this entire affair, I think it’s time for you to consider stepping down and making room for an individual with more law enforcement and counterterrorism experience to take the reins at the Office of Homeland Security.

The entire episode was handled poorly, from start to finish. Indications that Mr. Abdul-mutallad may pose a danger to the nation’s security were not acted upon, despite the existence of intelligence suggesting that he may be dangerous, and working alongside Al-Quaeda operatives in Yemen. His name was put into a database with other suspected terrorists, but he was still allowed to fly freely and enter and exit the U.S. on a nonrevoked, multiple-entry U.S. visa.

After the Christmas Day near-miss, your public statements seemed more focused on public relations than closing the gaps in our nation’s security safety net that allowed a terrorist to board an international flight for the United States. You said on ABC’s “This Week” program on Sunday, “I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have. We trained for this. We planned for this.” On CNN’s “State of the Union” program, you said, “One thing I’d like to point out is that the system worked.”

Public relations spin to the contrary, I believe there are 300 airline passengers who were onboard Flight 253 and would disagree with your assessment on how well the system “worked.” It was by sheer luck and mechanical malfunction of the bomber’s equipment that the United States was able to avoid tragedy, not through homeland security training and planning.



We live in dangerous times, when enemies foreign and domestic are planning attacks that will cost American lives. One mistake is too many, and while we were lucky to evade tragedy in this instance, without an experienced person in charge of the Office of Homeland Security, we may not be so lucky the next time.

While I recognize that you are a dedicated and well-meaning public servant, I believe that you simply do not have the proper law enforcement qualifications and counter-terrorism background to head the nation’s very delicate homeland security operations. It’s time that the United States move away from political appointees and former governors, and put the Office of Homeland Security in the hands of individuals with real law-enforcement and counterterrorism experience.

I know you are committed to protecting Americans, and I hope that you will recognize that the responsible thing to do at this point would be to resign, in order to allow President Obama an opportunity to appoint a more qualified individual to the position of Secretary of Homeland Security. We cannot rely on dumb luck and mechanical malfunctions to keep our fellow Americans safe from terrorist threats and attempted attacks.

I thank you very much for your consideration.

Richard J. Codey
New Jersey Acting Governor
CC: President


President Obama was told Tuesday about more missed signals and uncorrelated intelligence that should have prevented a would-be bomber from boarding a flight to the United States, leading the president to declare that there had been a “systemic failure” of the nation’s security apparatus.

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