Fire Janet Napolitano!

by Jack Lee

Americans are a forgiving people, almost to a fault. It’s why we give our elected representatives such wide latitude to make blunders. However, there comes a time when incompetence just can’t be ignored. National Security is such a time.


Janet Napolitano (show left) has repeatedly made the most egregious blunders any top official could possibly make and yet she is still in her job. One wonders why?

She has warned that our war veterans ought to be closely monitored because they might be terrorists in waiting. She’s called the Minute Man movement (they observe and report illegal aliens sneaking in along the Mexican border) as vigilantes akin to the KKK.
She has failed establish to establish communication between allied federal agencies investigating terrorism and this was her primary job! It’s been an utter failure!

In the latest example of being not only incompetent, but arguably non-compus-mentus (not of sound mind), she said the airline security system worked just as it should when the Northwest flight was saved from disaster only because a bomb detonator failed and a passenger disarmed the bomber.

She had the gall to call this a successful security intervention, when her critics pointed out it was dumb luck that saved hundreds of people from certain death. The woman was so quick to rush out to assure the public that flying was absolutely safe as can be that she made a complete ass out of herself. She was more focused on PR than she was at prevention and that makes her a dangerous bureaucrat that needs to be fired. .


Stupidity at work: Regarding terrorist acts she said, “By calling these now “man caused disasters, we’d “move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.” Janet Napolitano. (Do you feel less fearful calling them man caused disasters?)

More stupid: “Our policies will be guided by authoritative information. We also have assets at our disposal now that we did not have prior to 9/11. For example, we are much better able to keep track of travelers coming into the U.S. than we were before.” Janet Napolitano

And more: “We’re working with our international partners and allies to make sure that we are getting information and sharing information in an appropriate and real-time fashion.” Janet Napolitano

Journalist Star Parker: “Putting Ms. Napolitano in charge of a department of 200,000 people and a $50 billion budget with a stated mission to “lead the unified national effort to secure the country and preserve our freedoms” was a “man caused disaster.” And it is one that President Obama should fix – pronto.”

Napolitano doesn’t work for President Obama, she works for us and we say fire her now! We pay her salary and an overwhelming majority of us think this blithering idiot should be fired…immediately. The only person I have heard that is strongly supporting her is Richard Reid the shoe bomber. (Shown right) I know Reid has long claimed Napolitano is really his Mum…but I have no idea why.

New Jersey Governor Codey told her, “After the Christmas Day near-miss, your public statements seemed more focused on public relations than closing the gaps in our nation’s security safety net that allowed a terrorist to board an international flight for the United States.” He has demanded she resign!

To reach the OUTGOING Secretary Janet Napolitano you may mail:

OUTGOING Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528

DHS Operator: 202-282-8000
DHS Comment Line: 202-282-8495

White House Contact Information – To Demand Firing of Secretary Janet Napolitano

President Obama claims to be committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history. Here is your chance to take him up on the offer.

The Office of the Public Liaison

White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414
White House Fax Line: 202-456-2461

What can you do next?

You can use the information contained in the links above to contact Senators and Congressional Members of the House and demand that Janet Napolitano be fired and that government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security not be used to intimidate or harass law abiding citizens because of their beliefs, political views or for any other legal activity they decide to participate in.

You can contact the DHS and respectfully call for the Secretary to resign.

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