Congress Spent a Lot of Cash On Copenhagen Party

by Jack Lee

It was the biggest party of the year and if you weren’t there then you must have been one of those miserly old conservatives. But, it wasn’t all fun, they ran out of caviar just after they ran out limousines and this was pretty rough on the jet set. But they made up for it with an excess of champagne and $3500 plus a night luxury suites.

The American’s were a huge presence in Copenhagen; in fact we needed two 737’s and a Gulf Stream Five to get all the Congressmen and their girlfriends over there. One 737 costs about $5700 an hour, do the math. But, that’s not all… the staff that went along, some with their spouses flew commercial. There were over a hundred staffers and they didn’t fly coach, many tickets were over $2000, do more math. The actual numbers will be out soon, but you get the idea now…Copenhagen was an expensive trip!

This was of course an all expenses paid vacation courtesy of you the taxpayers.

And all those attendees who went to the summit rather than hooking up by teleconference…well, they produced enough climate-stunting carbon dioxide to fill 10,000 Olympic swimming pools. (40,500 tonnes/source: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Here’s the kicker: The event accomplished absolutely nothing. Another case of your tax dollars at work, er…play…whatever. And the audacity of these fools to stick it to the taxpayers while we are still suffering from recession and pinching every penny we have left. They just don’t get it – they have never gotten it, they don’t want to get it and that’s why they stick it to us without remorse year after year…and this boys and girls is why you need to systematically clean house about every 4-6 years. JUST VOTE EM ALL OUT! From the lazy do-nothings to the corrupt big spenders…they all need to go.

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