While Some Blame God, Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti’s Earthquake

by One Vike

Whenever a disaster occurs, there are always people trying to capitalize on it to get rich, famous, or just to attack others for political gain. While Some Blame God, Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti’s Earthquake

The earthquake in Haiti is a prime example of this. Pat Robertson came out this past week and claimed that the earthquake and many other troubles throughout their history is a result of their making a pact with the devil in exchange for victory over the French. Thus Pat Robertson said that countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries believe the country is cursed and so he says this is why the earthquake happened. Basically God is holding a 200 plus year grudge against them.

Then we have the MSM deciding to use the moment to personally attack Rush Limbaugh for saying he does not think we should give our money to Obama to help the Haitians. While we will inevitably see Obama eventually use this disaster to prop up his god complex by pointing out how much better he is then Bush was at responding to disasters. Eventually his sycophantic followers will point out that we need to continue worshiping and praying in his name for good things to happen. Then we have Danny Glover who would like to claim that the earth is angry because we failed to get a comprehensive global warming treaty signed at Copenhagen.

Take a look at this video of Danny Glover speaking on the phone with Marie St. Cyr of GRITtv about the disaster in Haiti. The way I see it, if I was are going to blame anyone for this disaster, I prefer to think God might be angry before I would think the earth is. Also, if I am going to give my hard earned money away to help the efforts of the Haitian people, I think I would prefer donating to a Christian charity instead of Obama’s administration website. I have already spoken about my opinion of those who would blame the Haitian disaster on God’s getting revenge on a geographical area for sin of men. He will one day return with a sword and separate the wheat from the chaff, but that is in the end when all men will see the wrath of the lamb. However allow me to again state categorically that God does not target geographical areas of the world to punish men for their sins, He will punish the individual. Otherwise I want someone to explain to me why San Fransisco still exists. Well, enjoy this video of Glover being interviewed over the phone and making a complete fool of himself.

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