Drive-by Attack on Dog, By a Cat

by One Vike

Ever notice how cats just have this greater then thou attitude towards dogs? Kind of reminds me of the way many liberals in the MSM, academia, Hollywood, and most politicians (on both sides of the isle, I might add) have anointed themselves as superior to us common folk in the hinter lands. They are always looking down upon us with their collective noses in the air.

Well take a look at the way this cat that is riding a Roomba vacuum and taking pot shots at the boxer in this video. Doesn’t it remind you of the way the MSM will drive by and take pot shots at conservatives. It kind of gives a whole new meaning to drive by hit pieces. Whether you are a cat person or a dog lover, this video is bound to make you laugh your butt off. While watching the video you will most likely ask yourself, “ There is only so much that dog will put up with before he nails the cat.” Which is what 2010 is going to be like for the left, we have had enough of their drive by smarmy greater than though attitudes and we are ready to know them off their tax sucking pedestal.

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