Revolting Against the Democrats

by Jack “Diogenese” Lee

Notice: After having second thoughts I pulled this article yesterday as a courtesy to my GOP friends. They deserved a little time to bask in the sunshine of the Scott Brown victory. It was a true victory worth celebrating and I wish Sen. Brown much success. But, now it’s back to reality and that means the GOP has a lot of work ahead of them if they are going to continue winning elections and be better than, “the lesser of two evils.”


We tossed out the Democrats because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Yeah team!)

Then we tossed out the Republicans because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Boo!)

Then we tossed out the Democrats because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Yeah!)

Then we tossed out the Republicans again because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Boo!)

Now we are tossing out the Democrats again because they are corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government…forgive me if I don’t cheer anymore, but I’ve been down this path too many times. I’ll start cheering when I see real change, not just change for the sake of change.

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