UCF Champion Compares Canadian Health Care to That of The Third World


By One Vike

Thinking he might need surgery to fix a bad case of diverticulitis, Brock Lesnar postponed a fight to defend his Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight title. If you know who Lesnar is you have one of two opinion of him probably. You either think he is an egotistical maniac, and you wish someone would come along and shut him up, or you thought he was maybe the greatest all around fighter to ever grace the sport of ultimate fighting. Well, Brock was not just unable to train for the defense of his title he was considering the reality that he may have to retire at the young age of 32.

A former champion the WWE, Lesnar used the same tactics he used as a wrestler to help draw fans to the UFC. They say that Lesnar is the best thing that ever happened to the UFC, but after his medical problems, they were worried the 1.6 million pay per views they gained due to his attraction was in jeopardy. Well they can now rest assured that their money maker will return to the ring, because Lesnar has had a miraculous recovery. However, up until just this past Tuesday it was not so. You may be asking yourself, since when has Post Scripts cared about ultimate fighters and their future ability to beat each other up? Well the reason this is news is not because he is a fighter, but because of what happened after he ended up in a Canadian hospital.

See, Lesnar was beginning to suffer from depression due to the news he may have to retire from a new career he thought was going to allow him to fight maybe one or two times a year while spending the rest of the year at home with his family. When he was a wrestler he was not able to see his family much because he was on the road all year, fighting two maybe three times a week. Well he was now suffering from depression also, so he decided to get away and maybe defeat the depression he was feeling by going on a hunting trip in Canada.

While there he had such a painful diverticulitis attack, that he was hospitalized. While in a Canadian hospital you would think he was getting the best care in the world. After all, we are told by liberals in America that the Canadian health care system is almost as good as that of Cuba. That’s why we are told Obama and the Democrats want to take over 1/7th of the American, they want to make it as good. Just one problem, Democrats can only tell lies about our health care system and that of the rest of the worlds. The lie is that the only way for us to improve the system in America is to make it like that of other countries that have socialized health care.

So what does Lesnar have to say about that great Canadian health care he was getting? Brock was not impressed, matter of fact he said it reminded him of the kind of health care you would get in a third world country. It was so bad that his wife Rena, had to rescue him from the hospital. She loaded him into their car and drove sometimes as fast as 100 miles per hour to get her ailing husband back to America where she admitted him into the MedCenter One hospital in Bismarck, N.D. There doctors were patient, they didn’t immediately perform surgery and slowly nursed him back to some form of health. Brock’s wife was so afraid her husband was going to die in the Canadian hospital she had no choice but to perform what was tantamount to a prison break to save his life.

So for you liberals who are angry that Scott Brown won the election and killed ObamaCare, I ask you. Are you sure you want what Canada has? Personally, I have yet to hear one person tell me that they had better care in Canada then they have ever received in America. Fact is, no one who knows the truth is surprised and I thank God that the people of liberal Massachusetts even know it. Come November, those who are still hoping that Obama and the Democrats can still change America into the Socialist utopia they want, are going to be shocked.

The way I see it, there was a small earthquake in the Ocean on Tuesday, and that little ripple in the water is going to be such a huge tsunami come November that I would not be surprised if the Democrat party becomes insignificant and powerless to the political process for years to come.

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