From Russian with Love – Svetlana Kunin

Posted by Tina

Not long ago I posted one article in a series and suggested that all Americans should be required to read it. Now russian immigrant Svetlana Kunin is back with another article on the same subject…the folly and destructive nature of progressive government. She continues to sound a warning to us to preserve our freedom so that we may continue to live and thrive in America, a blessed nation. Please read the entire article.

“Perspectives Of A Russian Immigrant (No. 5),” by Svetlana Kunin – Investors Business Daily

Visitors to national parks are warned not to feed the wildlife because this interferes with the natural survival ability of the animals. Progressives do not make the same connection with human nature. ** The image of a country where government takes care of its citizens attracts the liberal mind. This image has two dimensions: fairness and equality. ** How do our current political leaders propose to transform America? They ignore the Constitution. They will collect the income of citizens living today and those not yet born. They envision a zoolike country where the citizens are assigned a place to live, to work, the medical care they can get and the food they eat. ** Our leaders will be our zookeepers, fairly distributing services and goods. People will rely on zookeepers and forget how to plan their own lives and take care of themselves. ** The image of a fair and equal society will be projected, but the third dimension — a bureaucratic cruelty over defenseless individuals — will result. This is not a progressive society; it’s an oppressive one. There is no escape from oppressive centralized state control.

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