McCain v Hayworth Election

by Jack Lee

Is it time for 73 year old John McCain to say good-bye to Washington where he has served for a combined 28 years in the House and Senate?

If you ask most conservatives they seem to think so and so does J.D. Hayworth McCain’s formidable challenger. McCain is a confirmed moderate and Hayworth is a true blue conservative. In November the two wered running neck and neck, but McCain seems to have leaned on old some of his old friends for support and now he has surged ahead of Hayworth by 22 points according to the latest Rasmussen poll.

Hayworth’s challenge has forced McCain to make a right and try to sound more conservative, a standard tactic of moderate politicians. Run to the right in the primary and then appeal the middle in the general., and the worst part is the run of the mill voters don’t seem to notice, they buy into it every time! They also have short memories, McCain was caught up in the Keating Five Scandal…but, that is apparently ancient history, as is McCain-Feingold.

Conservatives have never really trusted McCain, claiming he is too bipartisan and fault him for joining Democrat Russ Feingold for the campaign finance law and Democrat Ted Kennedy who co-authored the failed immigration reform bill with the Viet Nam war hero.

J.D. Hayworth is a former Congressman and a popular radio talk show host. He has resigned his radio job to donate his full efforts to running his campaign. Hayworth is counting on the changing tide toward more conservative candidates to win the day, McCain is relying on a collage of older conservatives who have long supported this Vietnam war hero and a large block of independent voters. McCain is also very popular among Hispanic voters for his support of amnesty programs.

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