Senator Scott Brown Branded a Turncoat???

Surprise, surprise….a month after being crowned the darling of national conservatives, Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts is being branded “Benedict Brown” for siding with Democrats in favor of a jobs bill endorsed by the Obama administration.

The four other GOP senators who broke ranks — Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, George Voinovich of Ohio and Christopher “Kit” Bond of Missouri — also were criticized on Tuesday. But Brown was the big target on conservative Web sites, talk shows and even the Facebook page his campaign has promoted as an example of his new-media savvy.

“We campaigned for you. We donated to your campaign. And you turned on us like every other RINO,” said one writer, using the initials for “Republican-In-Name-Only.”

Scott Brown ran on the conservative ticket to raise the big money from staunch republicans who believed in him. A lot of good conservatives heralded Brown’s win as a huge victory and boy did he fool em! Now that he is elected he can afford to play to the middle and earn the support of democrat voters who still dominate his state. He said what he needed to say to get elected and now he can vote the way he needs to vote to stay in office. He understands that Barack Obama at the top of the ticket and he has to work with him in this blue state and he’s willing to play ball. He’s a real clever guy and he sure took the republicans for a ride.

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