
If you are feeling brave you can explore the new It’s an internet chat using video. I heard about it and tried it just for fun, but I didn’t have a camera. Guess if you don’t have a camera you get cut off right away by about 80% of the people. So, here I am flipping thru from one connection to the next and in the first 30 seconds I swear I ran into at least 4 dudes playing with their junk! Society has reached a new low just when I thought we couldn’t get much lower. What’s up with that? Sick. There was one female that was sitting with two guys looking into the camera and I lasted about 10 seconds, enough time for me to say hello in 4 languages before I got booted.

Remember when the chat rooms first started? I think it began on AOHell. First thing, name/age/sex/ and it was always some lame guy looking to score or you had some 10 year old online dropping the F bomb every 5 seconds.

The men (or so they said) in these old chat rooms were pathetic the way they tried to pick up on every female (or so they said they were). Hey, if it didn’t work in real life it wasn’t going to happen on some stupid internet chat. Well, now we have this new twist on an old idea, the internet cam, and with all kinds of great possibilities for world understanding and exchange of ideas, what do people do with it, they show their junk and try to score. We’re doomed.

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