
by Jack Lee

To whom much is given much is expected. This goes double for our elected officials because they have pledged to represent us and that implies a lot more than just a vote here and there. They have made promises, they have taken an oath and as an Assemblyman, Congressman or a Senator they hold themselves up as our very best, as a good example for society.

As a candidate they ran on their honesty, integrity and good judgement which is why their public and private failures reflect back upon society. We believed in them, we trusted them and we elected them. When those representatives in high office fail, it is a public scandal and a tragedy, because so many others are involved in their failure and the bar is lowered once again. Promises made – promises not kept. What could be worse? When will they get it?

My thanks to Quentin Colgan for the story directly below. We “the people” are the only ones who can ever truly hold our representatives accountable.

Accountability is not a partisan issue, it’s an obligation.

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