Massa Claims He’s Being Railroaded

Posted by Tina

Democrat Eric Massa, who is being investigated by the House ethics committee for comments he made to a male staffer, announced his intention to resign last Friday. Now he’s come out swinging with charges of bribery and intimidation over the health care bill.

“Eric Massa: Democrats ousted me over health care” – Politico

I was unable to listen to the audio recording from WHAM-TV because it’s on over load but I did hear excerpts on Rush this morning. Later today it might be available…the man is fired up and hitting back hard.

If what he is saying is true I have to hand it to this guy for refusing to be intimidated and for standing up for higher standards of performance in government! Surpirse Quentin, this is one Democrat that I could support, if he’s innocent of the charges being leveled at him. If sincere, he is the type of Democrat that this nation needs in that party’s leadership. Would I vote for him? It would depend on who’s running against him, of course, but I won’t say that I wouldn’t!

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