Jihad Jane – A Hated American Traitor

by Jack Lee

LEADVILLE, Colo. (AP) – Before her daughter disappeared last fall, Christina Mott recalls that the 31-year-old who had been held in connection with an alleged assassination plot announced she had converted to Islam and told them they’d go to hell if they didn’t follow in her steps.


Jamie Paulin-Ramirez aka Jihad Jane, began talking about Jihad with her Muslim stepfather and spent most of her time online as she withdrew from her family, Mott said.

“We were enemies,” Christine Mott, 59, said. “We couldn’t even speak to each other.”

Somehow this wacko turned up in Ireland a few days ago and the local authorities busted her and several of her Muslim companions on charges of terrorism. According to published reports this woman had been trying to stir up Muslim extremists using the internet to kill a cartoonist that she claimed defamed the Profit Mohamed.

“She doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose. She’s book-smart and common-sense-dumb,” said Mrs Mott.

Miss Paulin-Ramirez, a former trainee nurse from Leadville, Colorado, was one of seven people arrested in Ireland last week over an alleged conspiracy to murder Lars Vilks, a Swedish cartoonist who had depicted the prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog.

In a development that has caused alarm in the United States, she was the second American woman to be linked with the plot.

We’re not sure where she is now, but we know Jihad Jane and at least two others have been released from custody, while 3 more associates remain in custody.. We had hoped our President would have issued a Fatwah by now calling for her immediate assassination, just like she’s been doing for the cartoonist, but unfortunately no such decree has been forthcoming. I know his popularity would have gone up 20 points if he had! (I’m just kiddin about the fatwah part, a simple, terminate with extreme prejudice order would have worked just as well.)

The American public grows angry and impatient with the announcement of each new traitor who has thrown in with Al Qeada, such as this vile, evil, despicable woman and sooner or later homegrown terrorists like her will be taken out of circulation by old school justice. It’s coming and they should be very aware the American public is not nearly as understanding and merciful as the U.S. court system with all their loop holes and delays. The American public is a thousand times more courageous and violent in defense of this nation than any politicians or any court. This is something the terrorists really haven’t figured out yet.

Once angered, the American public is a massive and violent force that will not stand down until justice is done. We’re extremely capable and well armed with over 250 million weapons and we’re not afraid to use them. Traitors and terrorists beware: Consider yourself extremely lucky if law enforcement gets to you before we do. This is our home and we are everwhere, sooner or later we’ll find you.
Colleen LaRose, who allegedly called herself Jihad Jane on the internet, was charged in the US last week over the plot to kill Mr Vilks.

Irish police have now released four of those arrested without charge and her parents confirmed Miss Paulin-Ramirez was one of them.

According to friends and family, both women had converted to Islam and became obsessed with radical Muslim internet sites, later agreeing to marry foreign men they had met online.

Her mother said the thrice-married Miss Paulin-Ramirez had even communicated online with a Pakistani who said he wanted to come to the US to learn to fly.

Mrs Mott said her daughter told her last Easter she had become a Muslim.

She began talking about jihad with George Mott, her stepfather and a longtime Muslim convert, telling him she would die for the cause, but became increasingly hostile to her family, said her mother.

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