ACORN Closes Up Shop – Activism Will Continue


Posted by Tina

A few weeks ago I read an article about the ACORN group dissolving and reopening as independent offices in cities across America. Then a couple of days ago I read an article suggesting that government funding of ACORN had been restored. I thought all of this was odd…turns out it is. Word comes in the news today that the community organizing group ACORN has announced it will close its doors and dissolve it’s business. This according to an email from the organization that Politico has published:

“Acorn Folds,” by Ben Smith – Politico

The ACORN Association Board met on Sunday March 21 and approved a set of steps to responsibly manage the process of bringing its operations to a close over the coming months. These include:

* Closing ACORN’s remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1st; and
* Developing a plan to resolve all outstanding debts, obligations and other issues.

This is largely a formality. It will effectively end the now caustic brand, ACORN, giving the people in power within the organization an opportunity to rename and restructure. Offices with new names will open all over the country and each will have the same goals and intentions of the original national organization. Funding will continue, probably through grants given to a foundation or two, with cash flowing through them to each individual office.

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