Two Plans for Healthcare

by Jack Lee

About half of America pay little or no income tax and the current polls say about half of America wants socialized medicine. Guess which half of taxpayers they represent? That’s right, those who pay little or nothing. That didn’t really surprise anyone did it? Now hold that thought and here’s my bright idea:

Maybe there should have been two healthcare plans presented for your consideration, and you must sign up for one plan or the other at the time you vote. If you wanted socialized medicine, then you must register for it with your vote and then you pay for it in monthly mandated premiums, medicare taxes and all other related costs and tax changes and you get the government system. If you didn’t want it you vote no and you are exclused from all the costs because you have opted out.

You want it – you pay for it. You don’t want it – you don’t pay for it and you just keep your own insurance.

Since half of America wants it (say the polls), that should be more than enough people to make Obama’s plan work, that is IF it really would work. But, I have a hunch that IF the costs must be born by the half that wanted something for nothing, there’s a pretty good chance they would say no way and that boys and girls would be the end of that.

What do you think? Sounds fair to me.

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