Anger, Violence & Hate – Who Dunnit!


Posted by Tina

I hold anyone who resorts to violence or as a means of protest in contempt. I also prefer civil speech and find class and racial epithets distasteful. I wish our friends on the left held the same view. They are, in fact, hypocritical on this issue and have even been known to make accusations of racism where none exists. This is a despicable political tactic that is playing out in the news today. I wish I had time to write in depth about this, I don’t, but I do think the subject deserves some discussion. So I will start the conversation with this from the corner blog, National Review:

“More Bottled Piety,” by Victor Davis Hansen

This week’s talking point is the sudden danger of new right-wing violence, and the inflammatory push-back against health care. I’m sorry, but all this concern is a day late and a dollar short. The subtext is really one of class — right-wing radio talk-show hosts, Glenn Beck idiots, and crass tea-party yokels are foaming at the mouth and dangerous to progressives. In contrast, write a book in which you muse about killing George Bush, and its Knopf imprint proves it is merely sophisticated literary speculation; do a docudrama about killing George Bush, and it will win a Toronto film prize for its artistic value rather than shock from the liberal community about over-the-top discourse.

A quick search resulted in over 38 million links for “Bush, hate, kill”
So let the comparative examples of hate and violence begin! How ’bout we start with a You Tube video…that nobody condemned as hate speech:

Republicans and Republican headquarters and offices have been targeted with threats and acts of violence. Did elected officials run to the microphones to call for civility or a smack down of left wing activists groups? NO! Not even when they were racialy charged accusations and images of Condi Rice. How many times were left wing jornalists, talking heads, or celebrities called out for such speech and behaviors directed at conservative/Republicans? Never.

Who dunnit? Democrats dunnit, a lot more often than anyone else in American politics!

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