That’s a BIG F*#k%#* Number!

Posted by Tina

I borrowed the potty mouth from VP Joe Biden for my title to add a sense of urgency to this post because it’s obvious that more Americans need to get the message about BIG government spending:

“EDITORIAL: $12,670,895,780,689.20 – Runaway public spending endangers America’s future” – Washington Times

The headline above provides the exact amount of outstanding public debt as of Tuesday, according to the latest available figures from the U.S. Treasury. By the time you read this, that figure will have increased by $17,338,324,977. ** Massive, abstract numbers such as these defy comprehension. It’s far easier to grasp their personal impact: The share of the enormous total debt figure for each American household is $120,125. That’s up $164 from Tuesday. It’s up $15,445 from last year. It will keep going up until something is done to stop the runaway spending by Congress and the Obama administration. ** Most observers would look at this evidence and agree that we have run out of money, but a handful stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the obvious. The latter insist that, somehow, spending more of the public’s money will solve the economic woes brought about in large measure from out-of-control personal and public spending. Such are the people who hold the levers of power in Washington.

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