An American Tragedy

by Harold Ey


We all were part of an American tragedy last Thursday, as we witnessed the unbridled use of Congressional power, or should I say “Misuse there of’. By now we should recognize the arrogance of Pelosi and Reid who were instrumental in writing this Piece of Political law, but it was motivated by Obama’s beliefs that are castrating Constitutional freedoms with his ambition of a socialist America. This Bill is clearly an example of free will removed to simply eliminate the self-reliance of people, create more dependence on government and further the way for Obama’s strategy toward socialism.

We the American people are now pawns he manipulated with words with no substance, and now we must exist with the results. Can we work harder to resolve this disaster, YES! It is possible that once they (incumbents) are removed from office and replaced with stewards that listen to the ‘Will of the American people’ we could rework this cobbled version of a Bill and give us relief from another Government run program that will fail, mainly due to cost and dishonest accounting.

We are weaker today through the political abuse of Congress, but optimistically stronger in understanding our resolve. Clearly we must recognize a need to improve how we vote for elected officials and distribute that knowledge too other voters if we are to remove those who govern us by treating the Constitution as a floor mat.

This November will be our first chance to set some things right , One thing that will help is to STOP voting based on campaign promises alone and research the actual history of someone. If need be consider voting against party ideology. We really need to elect people capable of doing the Peoples business effectively and meaningfully. If necessary, replace incumbents of both parties, Congress is elected to serve us, not to enhance their political bases. If this past year has taught us anything it should be that we have been lacking in voting in an honest government, illuminated by the recent simple abuse of power by a current lopsided majority in both the House and Senate.

We will send a clear message when we elect people that do not assault our individual rights by requiring them to keep in mind both parties have good ideas, and Bi-partisan cooperation benefits America, but it is up to us to make sure the people we elect are working in that direction and use the Constitution as it was intended, ‘a guideline to preserve our freedom’..

“Respect for religion must be reestablished. Public debt should be reduced. The arrogance of public officials must be curtailed. Assistance to foreign lands must be stopped or we shall bankrupt ourselves. The people should be forced to work and not depend on government for subsistence.”
– Cicero, 60 B.C.

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