Max Baucus Agrees…Spread that Wealth Around!

Posted by Tina

Obama promised to transform America. Part of that promise was a commitment to “spread the wealth around”. Following the vote to “fix” the health care bill signed by the President, Max Baucus, Democrat Senator (Montana), took to the floor to explain the underlying purpose of passing health care:

“Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind,” he said. “Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America.” (emphasis mine)

See it and weep:

Let me remind you that “the rich”, those who work on Wall Street, in show biz and pro sports, in big corporations and banks will always make big money. Big jobs yield big money. The dirty little secret is that the one area of true comparison where incomes have outpaced those in the private sector is government employees. This is where the “maldistribution” has taken place. Government employee wages at the state and federal level have outpaced the wages of those with similar jobs in the private sector by 30-40%. Your tax money is needed to fund those big government salaries and benefits. The other dirty little secret is that BIG government programs that “spread the wealth around” take a lot of money out of the private sector where real jobs for real Americans are actually created. The health care bill has specifically targets the rich… those people with big money to invest for that job private sector job creation. they screw the rich; they screw you and me. Democrat policies will destroy the middle class. They need to go!

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