Support our Troops


Posted by Tina

The media isn’t reporting much about our troops and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq these days. For one thing Bush/Cheney aren’t around to bash anymore. There isn’t the need to gain political advantage or to foment the bologna about war for oil. Even the President doesn’t talk about the war or the troops much (does he at all?). But our troops are still in the Middle East and they are still engaged in bravely waging war to defend us against an enemy that’s committed to destruction and murder. The president deserves kudos for continuing to follow many of the policies that President Bush adopted after 9/11. I wish I had the sense that he was as committed as Bush was to winning. It almost seems like he has taken a hands off approach with respect to the war, leaving it to others to oversee and manage. Whether this is true or not it’s still definitely up to us to keep the troops in our hearts and minds daily and to give them whatever love and support we can. This troubling news crossed the wire today:

Kabul – The number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan has roughly doubled in the first three months of 2010 compared to the same period last year as Washington has added tens of thousands of additional soldiers to reverse the Taliban’s momentum. Those deaths have been accompanied by a dramatic spike in the number of wounded, with injuries more than tripling in the first two months of the year and trending in the same direction based on the latest available data for March. – AP

Please keep these fine young (and not so young) men and women, our returning and wounded soldiers, and all military families in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your daily lives. And if you’re able during these troubled financial times, consider contributing to one or more of the many support organizations that supply entertainment, comfort goods, phone cards, personal assistance, and medical devices and equipment for the severely wounded, as well as college scholarships and help for the children of the fallen. Here’s an information website (bookmark it!) to get you started.

May God continue to bless these brave men and women and their families.

Image source: “Quick Reaction Force Afghanistan” by Charles Keevert 2005 – Military Spot

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