Tea Party Report – Reid Country Nevada


Posted by Tina

The Las Vegas Review-Journal had a great story on the Tea Party event held in Harry Reid’s hometown of Searchlight, Nevada on Saturday featuring the lovely and gracious Sarah Palin. Law enforcement estimated a crowd of at least 8000 that included people from all over Nevada as well as California, Arizona, Utah and Montana. One woman, age 68, traveled from San Diego by bus to attend. Her sign read, “”I’m here because I’m a worried grandparent, not a troublemaker.” My guess is she’s tired of being labeled as an angry kook or a racist nut case. There was one incident by a genuine troublemaker who thought it a good idea to toss eggs at the Tea Party Express bus as it traveled through town but no other trouble was reported. Harry Reid was in town and graciously said he was glad the tea partiers were there. The local Democrats expected some two hundred supporters from around Nevada would drop by to see REid at a coffee and donut hole event held in his honor to celebrate the Medicare fix in the health care bill.

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