Another Gitmo Grad Returns to Work

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Posted by Tina

More Guantanamo Detainees Are Returning to Terror Upon Release,” by Diane Macedo –

Prior to his release in December, Abdul Hafiz was Prisoner Number 1030 at Guantanamo Bay. Now, less than four months later, he’s back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban — just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon. ** Hafiz, suspected in the March 2003 kidnapping and murder of an International Red Cross worker, was the “Taliban head of all Madrassas … responsible for recruiting and sending young men to fight for the Taliban,” according to U.S. government memos. He was said to have maintained contacts for Mullah Mohammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban of Afghanistan, and to have admitted to participating in jihad against the Soviets.

Thanks to the weenie position that terrorists have good reason to wage jihad, or are misunderstood and can be rehabed or reasoned with, we will see more of this. And, dear heart, these are not stupid people. They return to the fight, that’s bad enough, but they also are now armed with weapons we have given them. They train their people to spew weenie rhetoric…if captured to claim they were tortured, to demand a lawyer, and to claim they want to be rehabilitated in order to gain release.

Their commitment is deadly…shouldn’t we at least be bold and resolute?

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