Tea Party “N-Word” Report


Posted by Tina

The following is an excerpt from an article in the American Thinker by Lloyd Marcus, one of the celebrities traveling with the Tea Party Express tour. Lloyd is a black conservative who has traveled all over America and spoken and performed at a lot of tea party rallies:

As a black patriot, I have never felt a racist atmosphere nor a hint of violence. Yes, attendees are angry. It is the patriotic duty of all who love America to be angry. Today, several tea party attendees hugged me with tears streaming down their cheeks as they thanked me for standing up for our country. Several were also extremely moved by my signature proclamation that I am not a hyphenated American. They called me brother. ** The media is littered with articles and news stories about the alleged “n” word incident in Washington DC. Black democrats claim they were called the “n” word fifteen times by a bunch of angry white tea party activists. I believe the accusation is a lie. ** First of all, in our high tech everyone has a cell phone video camera age, video of the incident would be posted everywhere if the incident really happened. Also, as I said, I have attended over 100 tea parties. I know my fellow patriots. If a knucklehead yelled the “n” word, the crowd would have immediately verbally attacked the idiot. This accusation is another sleazy divisive attempt by an arrogant bunch of characterless democrat race exploiters and their homeys in the liberal mainstream media to dis’ millions of patriots who refused to sheepishly surrender our freedom, liberty and culture to their beloved messiah, Obama. ** And another thing, after passing ObamaCare against our will via corrupt backdoor deals, why on earth should we believe anything the Democrats say regarding racist comments and threats made against them? They lie! They are characterless. They are undeserving of our respect and any benefit of the doubt. – Lloyd Marcus, reporting from the Tea Party Express bus tour.

The man has no reason to lie and he has a lot of reasons to remove himself from the movement if he experienced racism…I find his testimony credible.

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