Obama, Lots of ‘Change’ no improvement

Thanks go to Harold Ey for finding this great article…

The government’s Web site for handling student loans was broken most of Tuesday — the very day President Obama signed a law putting the government in charge of all subsidized student lending.

Visitors to the site www.studentloans.gov early Tuesday afternoon saw an error message, while users Monday saw either an error message or, in the evening, were simply unable to connect to the site at all.

The site was working again by late Tuesday, but critics said the technical problems underscore their concerns about turning such a major program over to the federal government.

“This is a case study in what happens when the federal government takes over a function of the private sector. On its first day of operation, the federal student loan program has collapsed into a black hole from which no information can escape,” said John Hart, a spokesman for Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican.


Well People are you getting more concerned with this megalomaniac and his policies?
Now tax payers not only get to subsidize health insurance for these kids until they are 26, we get to pay for their defaulted loans as well, HOPE there’s overtime in your future because your going to need the extra CHANGE to subsidize the unemployed… Next proposed item ?? ….

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