March 31st was Cesar Chavez Day

by Jack Lee

Yesterday around 2 p.m. I rode my bicycle over to the Butte County library to do some research and it was closed. I forgot this was Cesar Chavez Day. March 31st is a CA holiday and it is billed as celebrating “immigration and activism”.

To celebrate Chavez’ B-Day our CA government closed the doors to all public libraries across this state where kids come to learn…how incredibly “Democrat” of them.

If the truth be known, this is really a day focused on celebrating [illegal] immigration by and for persons of Mexican ancestry. If we really wanted to celebrate “legal” immigration we didn’t have to wait for Cesar Chavez the Union Leader (also of Mexican ancestry) to come along to do it. We have plenty of notables to choose from from all over the world – but, celebrating Chavez’s birthday fits right in to a certain political agenda by liberal activists within our State Capital, who, not coincidentally, also belong to the Hispanic Caucus and embrace the LaRaza doctrine. They are always placing their ethno-centric priorities and interests far ahead of serving the people of this state. When they talk about celebrating activisim this is code for rabid, hateful and often racist leftwing protestors. And that is the blunt and brutally honest truth.

Current Latino Members of the Assembly

Juan Arambula Assemblymember 2004 – Present
Anna Caballero Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Charles Calderon Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Hector De La Torre Assemblymember 2004 – Present
Kevin De Leon Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Joe Coto, Assemblymember 2004 – Present
Ed Hernandez Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Tony Mendoza Vice Chair Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Pedro Nava Assemblymember 2004 – Present
John A. Perez Assembly Speaker 2008 – Present
Manuel Perez Assemblymember 2008 – Present
Mary Salas Assemblymember 2006 – Present
Lori Saldaa Assemblymember 2004 – Present
Jose Solorio Assemblymember 2006 – Presen
Norma J. Torres Assemblymember 2008 – Present
Alberto Torrico Asseblymember 2004 – Present

Current Latino Members of the Senate

Ron Calderon Assemblymember 2000 – 2006, Senator 2006
Gil Cedillo, Chair Assemblymember 1997-2002, Senator 2002
Lou Correa Assemblymember 1998 – 2004, Senator 2006
Denise Ducheny Assemblymember 1994-2000, Senator 2002
Dean Florez Assemblymember 1998-2002, Senator 2002- Present
Gloria Negrete-McLeod Assemblymember 2000 – 2006, Senator 2006
Jenny Oropeza Assemblymember 2000-2006, Senator 2006
Alex Padilla Senator 2006
Gloria Romero Senator 2001

These are DEMOCRATS – these are the people, in concert with libs, that have an ethnocentric agenda; history shows that much is obvious. They are frequently race-baiters, engaged in class warfare and stirring up hate. They do not well represent ALL the people of California! They represent a very narrow agenda based on race and I have a problem with that. They took an oath to represent ALL the people and defend the Constitution and they can’t do that with a LaRaza agenda as their first priority.

“Hispanic Caucus Accuse GOP of Racism

Accusing the Republican Party and business groups of stoking “anti-immigrant, anti-Latino” fervor, the Legislature’s Democratic Latino Caucus on Tuesday urged Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to denounce “racist” GOP campaign ads mailed during recent Assembly races.

Members of the 27-member caucus also called on the Republican governor to speak out against a campaign to qualify a ballot measure that would deny benefits – including driver’s licenses – to illegal immigrants.

“I would hope that the governor will make a response to these (campaign) tactics,” said state Sen. Martha Escutia, D-Whittier, the new chairwoman of the caucus…

…”All I can assume, as a lawyer, is it was temporary insanity,” Escutia said. “But I can tell you, as a Latina, that these types of attacks will not ever happen again on my watch…”


Based on the description of the ads, they don’t sound “racist,” but I guess we could have figured out that they weren’t racist based solely on the people who were making the charge.

“Democrats accuse GOP of using racist mailers. . .” (yes, this isn’t the first time they’ve played this specific card)

Note: If there is a Hispanic member noted here that is a republican I was not aware of it and they would of course be excluded from my criticism.

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