Guam In Danger Says Congressman

by Jack Lee

We couldn’t run this story when it broke because you would have surely thought it was an April Fools joke. But, it’s not and that’s the scary part. Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson who was in charge of deciding whether or not to allow additional Marines to deploy to Guam was worried that having too much population on one end of the island might cause a disaster, now read what kind.

Examiner – Oh no! Guam may tip over and capsize, according to U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA). At a House Armed Services Committee meeting last week, Johnson was questioning Robert Willard, commander of the United States Pacific fleet about what effect the influx of Marines and their families would have on Guam.


U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (shown on left) said, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

Robert Willard replied “We don’t anticipate that. The Guam population, I think, currently about 175,000, and again, with 8,000 marines and their families, it’s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.”

Johnson apparently has had Hep-C for decades and it’s taken its toll on him mentally. And no, I don’t want to discuss how Hep C is transmitted – let’s leave that part alone. What is important to discuss is this man is sitting in Congress making critical judgment calls. When a Congressman thinks an island will tip over because of weight on one end, I feel sorry for his mental problems, but It’s time for the democratic party leadership to gently tap him on the shoulder and tell him his time is up. Thanks for your service, but it’s time to step aside because you are too compromised to be making judgment calls. You must step down or we will take steps to remove you.

If he was a republican you know democrats would be all over him, demanding he resign or be forcibly removed and actually…it would be right of them to do so.

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