Internet Tax in the Works?


Posted by Tina

Timothy H. Lee of the Washington Times suggests the O administration may be considering another “power grab” in his article, “Internet taxation is on the way”. This time the FCC will be the source for imposing more taxation…that means fewer bucks in our pockets. Here’s the relevant info:

Take a look at the following introduction of a nationwide tax upon Internet goods and services, inserted within page 58 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) National Broadband Plan released this week: Digital Goods and Services Taxation ** RECOMMENDATION 4.20: The federal government should investigate establishing a national framework for digital goods and services taxation. ** The FCC’s National Broadband Plan contains other tax-increase proposals, unfortunately. It states that we “should broaden the universal service contribution base,” which refers to the tax upon telecommunications service providers created by the FCC in 1997.

Is there a nook or cranny this administration will leave alone? Don’t count on it! their motto seems to be, “If it exists…tax it.”

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