(paid advertisement) Government Has Program to Help you Pay off Your Debts

That’s right folks, in this day of big government bailout you’re entitled to debt relief if you owe $10,000 or more on your credit cards. You may qualify for immediate relief under this special government program. Why should you pay for your own debts when tens of thousands of other Americans are walking away from theirs thanks to this government assured program in Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Act.

We’re here to help you eliminate 100% of your debts and keep what have failed to pay for! Call this toll free number and speak to one of our credit auditors now – 1-800-The Scam. In tough times like these you need to walk away from your debt and file bankruptcy, everyone is doing it, and so should you. We’re here to help so call the Bankruptcy hotline and get yours before it’s all gone.

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