Tea Party Plans Tax Day Protests – Infiltrators Expected

by Jack Lee

On April 15th the Tea Party movement plans tax day protests around the USA. In Chico it will be held in the downtown plaza.

This email was just received from the California event organizer and he is warning that possible infiltrators may show up to disrupt and discredit the TP event. It’s happened before and they are preparing to fight back… if it happens again. The email is on page two and its worth the read to understand what the TP organizers are all about.

Many of us have been getting disturbing emails and phone calls regarding the counter protests or “crashers” we are expecting on the day of our event. This did happen last year as well so plan for it. It’s much better to be prepared than surprised.

Here are some suggestions for our event and “crashers”:

1. We will introduce ourselves to the local police on that day as the permit holder. We have already spoken with Officer Troy on many occasions and he knows us and is aware of these possibilities.

The best way to handle these people is to report them to the law enforcement who is there and ask that they be removed by the police since Tea Party Patriots hold the permit for the event. Don’t attempt to deal with “crashers” yourself, they are looking to incite people and get it on video.

2. We will have 200 from our group doing security (Crowd Observation) for the event. We have many retired military or police persons who have volunteered for this duty. Have the phone number for the police handy (and your cell phone) and call if you see anything happening. We will have people scanning the crowd for trouble makers who will also let our attendees know of the possibility of infiltrators so they too will be on the look out and make sure they know not to deal with these people but to have them removed if they are being unruly.

3. Have pre-made signs that say THESE PEOPLE ARE INFILTRATORS! with a big arrow and when they cause a ruckus have people stand by them with the sign. This will usually make them go away as it ruins their reason for being there.

4. If any of you have video cameras, please bring them and take video of our event so we will have eyes all over the event. If anyone tires to talk about our event in a negative way you will have a visual diary of the event. Remember they are out to say we are all racists, and wing nuts! They are also out to prove that we are violant.

Whatever you do – DO NOT give them anything that will confirm what they are trying to say about us. Exercise self control and remember your higher calling. We never want to lower ourselves to be on their level.

This will be OUR event and we will do it with dignity, since that is our nature.


Mark Meckler
Tea Party Patriot National Coordinator
Tea Party Patriot California Coordinator
Tea Party Patriot Sacramento Co-coordinator

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