Another Earthquake Hits SoCal

by Jack Lee


6 April 2010 – Following in the wake of a mega 7.2 quake in Baja, Ca. last Sunday was a 4.6 shaker in the L.A. area this morning.

The 7.2 earthquake on 4/4/10 struck cities in northern Mexico and southern California, tearing up roads, making buildings sway from Los Angeles to Tijuana, and leaving at least two people dead in Mexico. Mexican officials said at least one person died in a collapsed house and about 100 more were injured in the quake, one of the strongest in the area for decades.

Around 3:00 AM PST today, the 4.6 aftershock was centered just outside of Seeley, California.

Reader’s question: Do you think a large quake will hit California soon? If so, where?

UPDATE: Another significant earthquake just came in at 5:11 am PST and was detected at a depth of 3.1 miles, about 2 miles SE of Imperial, Ca. The quake was estimated at 4.8.

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