Why Is Christian Bale Bailing on the U.K.?

Posted by Tina

Great Britain just announced it will raise the tax rates on it’s high earning citizens to 50%”. Wow! How do you suppose it would feel to work half of the year just to pay your yearly taxes? I don’t care whether high earners “can afford it” or not, that’s just highway robbery! It is unjust! And it’s coming to America soon if we don’t reverse the current big spending trend.

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The incredibly sick thing is that people don’t seem to understand that the tax money collected will fall into an open-ended spending hole. The ability to create wealth will be stifled and tax revenues will flatten out or, more likely, decrease. the private sector stgnate further. A tipping point will be reached and the middle class will be asked to pay more and more also. How far do progressive governments have to go before people begin to feel enslaved or at least merely “kept” like working dogs?

It may be that Christian Bale has seen the writing on the wall in his homeland. He has apparently just announced his intention to become a U.S. citizen. Good luck with that Batman…sadly, we seem to be headed in the same direction as the U.K. Will Bale play Batman in the US and help us rid ourselves of our own progressive government? Look for a sign in the night sky.

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