Bowe Bergdahl Makes Another Video for Taliban

by Jack Lee


It’s been over 9 months since PFC Bowe Bergdahl (allegedly) deserted from his unit in Afghanistan and wandered into the hands of the Taliban. Bergdahl was shown in a Taliban video shortly after his capture and yesterday he appeared in a second video pleading to be released. This video can be seen in its entirity by clicking this link.

Bergdahl’s value to the enemy is obviously for propaganda, but they are also trying to get some mileage out of his friends and family members, not to mention the anti-war groups. But, it’s not working. American’s are more resolved than ever to see Afghanistan stabilized and self governing.

Those who are calling Bergdahl a hero want the US to do whatever it takes to get him released, but they seem incapable of making any connection between his alleged desertion in a combat zone and his current situation. To date, PFC Bergdahl is the only member of the armed forces to allegedly desert and go over to the enemy. He will likely face criminal charges if and when he is released by the Taliban.

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