This Week…

by Jack Lee

Well this week ought to be interesting. Two more earthquakes just reported in SoCal, makes me wonder will L.A. soon become the new Atlantis? Hey, why do we call them earthquakes anyway, is there any other kind? Scientists warn the Big One would devastate California’s economy, cause us to go billions in debt and hundreds of thousands would be without jobs…in other words probably things would stay pretty much the same as they are now.

Next up, Pres. Obama is speaking to the UN this week in hopes of tightening up global security on nuclear facilities. We don’t want those Muslim terrorists getting their grubbing little hands on nuke material, and Hillary Clinton warns, they’re trying to do just that! Old news Hil, Jack Bower told us that last season, where’ve you been?

Muslim terrorists are not supposed to be call [Muslim] terrorists hereafter; we’re supposed to just say terrorists, and lets not use the term Muslim extremists, Muslim radicals either, not PC, according to the latest White House directive….again. Obama says, Less talk about “Islamic radicalism” and more about doing business with them instead, er, Muslims, not terrorists.

US and Russia have each agreed to dispose of 34 metric tons of weapons-grade plutonium, taken from their military programmes. This was agreed in 2000 but it has taken ten years for the implementing measures to be worked out. Apparently the guys at the land fill wouldn’t accept delivery.

Also in the news, we’re on the outs with Hamid Karzai, which is odd considering without us Karzai would either be in exile or dead were it not for us.

Among the things Karzai is accusing us (Obama Administration) of doing is trying to poison him, getting ready to bail and meddling in internal affairs. Meddling…us? This guy spends his days flirting with our sworn enemy the Taliban and trying to stop us from using heavy weapons like air strikes to wipe out terrorist enclaves. Not so long ago he was out giving away medals to survivors of a British bombing. And get this, the medals were to commemorate one of the heroes in the first Anglo-Afghan war, where the British were defeated. You have wondered which side Afghanistan’s president is really on.

America has now lost more than 1,000 lives in Afghanistan and is spending $73 billion there this year. After showing footage last week of Karzai lambasting the West, American talk-show host Jon Stewart spluttered in indignation. “I think the words he was looking for [were] thank you,” he said.

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