Would You Join the New PARTY CRASHER Group?


If not you need to know who they are so you can watch out for them, confront them, shame them and “call them out”…and don’t forget to video tape their butts.

Posted by Tina

Through infiltration they hope to undermine Tea Party protesters and they are willing to lie and behave deceitfully in order to accomplish their mission of personal group destruction.

Who are these people? They claim to be open to folk from all parties who are sick and tired of Tea Partiers. Is that realy true or are they just a “loosely affiliated” bunch of dumbasses? I’ll let you decide, but do watch out for these freaks on the news on April 15th.

Crash The Tea Party has a specific purpose:

“WHO WE ARE: A nation of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself “The Tea Party”.

These “Party Crashers” will be EASY TO SPOT at the massive Tea Party protest in Washington on tax day, Thursday, April 15th. Just watch for the “morons” yelling RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, and other MORONIC things designed to give Tea Partiers a big black eye.

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