Tea Party Protest Day – April 15th 2010 – Chico

Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time: 10 AM – 3PM

Chico California
Chico Downtown Plaza


Chico Tea Party Patriots is a grass roots organization comprised of non-partisan individuals who believe in: Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and Free Markets. The goals of Chico Tea Party Patriots are: 1) to make our voices heard through rallies, contact with elected officials, and media; 2) to educate the public on the important issues of the day, focusing on solutions based on our core values; 3) to act as a watchdog, to ensure that our elected officials are held accountable for their votes; and 4) to effect change through the legislative process by identifying and supporting candidates and legislation that are consistent with our core values. If you believe in these core values and goals, then you may be a Tea Party Patriot! It is time to drop the attachment to political parties and to embrace the principles that made America great! For more information about our group you can contact Cindy Selby at cindyselby@clearwire.net.

Group Website

William Cross


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