It’s the [Stupid]. . . Stupid

by Jack Lee

The other day I was having coffee with a friend at the Uppercrust. He said something really profound and I want to pass it along. He said, and I am paraphrasing, “It’s not socialism or communism or any other “ism’s” that we should be concerned over, it’s stupidity. Stupidity is the real problem!”

If you really think about what’s at the heart of all of our trouble, it’s stupidity. It’s not that competing political philosophy that we have to fear, it’s the absence of intelligence within our current philosophy. Ah, if only we could outlaw stupidity!

Stupidity sits atop many things bad, . . .greed, corruption, sloth, bigotry, racism, and more. It’s just stupid (illogical) to embrace these things and yet we do. We ought to make stupidity the target of our anger, not democrats, republicans, conservatives or liberals….we should be condemning stupidity and demanding more in the way of common sense, intelligence, logic and reason.

In government stupidity manifests itself in so many ways it’s hard to keep track, but for example:

It’s not intelligent to tax your population to the point that it significantly impedes economic prosperity.

It’s not intelligent to spend more than you take in. (Duh-uh)

It’s not intelligent to redistribute wealth, i.e., stealing from the rich to give to the poor and expect this to forever raise the poor from poverty.

It’s not intelligent to over-regulate to the point of gridlock and it’s not intelligent to under-regulate to the point of chaos.

It’s not intelligent to saturate your population with unregulated immigration.

It’s not intelligent to squander the labors of past generations on giveaways.

It’s not intelligent to spend more on prisoners than it costs to attend an Ivy League college.

It’s really not intelligent to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.

It’s not intelligent for government to indebt future generations.

All things must have an intelligent balance in order to work as they should. And so here we are and the list of what is stupid in government almost seems without end and growing.

Bottom line: It’s all about us. If we vote stupid, we elect stupid and if we elect stupid we get stupid results.

Forget socialism – stupid is the real enemy of this country.

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