What “Patriots” & Supporters Want

Posted by Tina

The group “Tea Party Patriots”, one of the major players in the greater Tea party movement created a new Contract From America. Recently they conducted a survey to discover which of the proposals were most important to the people.

The most popular provision of the Contract From America is a requirement that every piece of legislation approved by Congress must include a specific provision of the Constitution that authorizes the bill. This provision was supported by 82 percent of the respondents.

The next most popular provision was rejection of the proposed Cap and Trade anti-global warming bill that would put the federal government in charge of regulating all activities using carbon-based fossil fuels. This provision was supported by 72 percent of the respondents.

The third most popular provision would establish a movement for a balanced budget amendment and a requirement that tax hikes be approved by two-thirds majorities in Congress. This provision drew the support of 69 percent of the respondents.

Read more about the other proposals and the results of the survey in the Washington Examiner

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