
On this day a year ago, there were no less than 800 cities across America and that was a very credible start. Today that number has grown to several thousand cities and there are millions of members. No political movement or organization of any kind has ever grown so fast.

I remember this day last year quite well, because in my hometown one person had the drive and the wherewithal to organize our first Tea Party protest in the downtown plaza. About 700 people showed up. That organizer was Cynthia Van Aucken and she is in my mind a true blue patriot. I thank her time, trouble and even using her own money to make that event happen. It was a bold and courageous thing to do and it has inspired many people to do their part too.

Since then many other patriots have stepped forward to help hold our Tea Party meetings and plan events. In the last year the Tea Party has been subjected to unwarranted attacks by those who misunderstood and feared us and those who opposed our founding principals. And despite this and a news media that often times seemed determined to under-report our numbers and avoid coverage of our events, the Tea Party movement has flourished. Today, a year later, this movement is just too big to be ignored anymore and it is still growing.

If you believe that America is on the wrong track, that we are over-taxed and under represented, that our government is frivolously spending away our prosperity and herding us towards massive debt and socialism…then join us and take a stand for liberty as our founding fathers did! Be seen and be heard and come out to the Chico Downtown Plaza Today and support the Independent, Non-Partisan, Tea Party movement.

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