Republican Corner


What the TEA Party is and is not
By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

Since their recent inception, the TEA Party movement has grown enormously throughout the country. Normal, average citizens, some for the first time in their life, are taking notice of American politics and getting involved. It is a heartfelt love of their nation, and a great concern that it is heading in the wrong direction, that has inspired so many of them to stand up and be counted. They have shocked into action by the extreme leftward lurch of our nation’s government.

A small but vocal minority in this country has set out to derail the TEA Party movement. These are people who view honest everyday citizens as a threat to their bids for power. They have thrown out every dishonest accusation possible to try and turn people away from this movement. The two main lies they are spreading are that: One, the TEA Party members are Republican plants, and; Two, the TEA Party members are all evil racists.

Racism is an UGLY accusation. It is comparable to accusations of Hitler/fascism, which are usually used by those on the losing side of the argument. Do not be fooled, it is not racism that motivates this movement. Most of the accusers in this case know it’s not true and are willfully trying to deceive you. The people who oppose our current president are more interested in his policies than his skin color. They are happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with Americans of any race for their shared ideals.

The other accusation, that the TEA Party is a Republican construct, is interesting but also a falsehood. Unlike the racism line, I think a lot of the TEA Party’s opponents actually believe this one though, and I could see why. A lot of what the TEA Party stands for, limited government, lower taxation, more individual responsibility and freedom, are all ideals the Republican Party has championed over the years. There are also a lot of republican activists who are helping out with the TEA party events as well. This is a pluralist partnership, not control.

I believe the TEA Party is at its best as a strong watchdog movement. As a Republican, I want the TEA Party there to keep our elected representatives, democrat or republican, honest and accountable to the ideals that I share with the TEA Party. This can be done much in the same fashion as the NRA, of which I’m also a member. The NRA guards over our second amendment right to own firearms. They are willing to endorse republicans or democrats who stand with them, and willing to oppose those who do not. Most of the time, it is republicans who happen to respect our second amendment rights more than democrats, but not always, and I would never want the NRA to rubber stamp their support for anyone simply because of their party. In fact, I wish more democrats would strive to receive “A” ratings from the NRA and that we could put this crazy notion of the government controlling our firearms to rest.

The TEA Party can and should operate along the same lines. They are champions of limited government and lower taxes. There is no reason why they cannot praise democrats who stand with them on these issues. From what I have seen, they are certainly willing to chastise republicans who are not.

The great thing about the TEA Party movement is that they are in tune with what Americans really want. They are the silent majority come to life, and more democrats should start thinking about this. Actually a growing number of democrats have thought about this and they are dropping like flies. Congressman Stupak is just the latest to retire rather than be thrown out by angry voters.

Throughout the history of our nation and even before, there has always been a great struggle between those who believe in liberty and freedom, and those who prefer authoritarian control. We are in that struggle now, and I am extremely discouraged that so many on the left are so willing to give up their freedom for the promises of financial security. Those who study history know that, in the end, they will receive neither, or at least see both greatly reduced. Unfortunately they’re trying to drag the rest of us down into servitude with them.

Say what you will about the TEA Party, but they are today’s champions of liberty and freedom. If Americans ever get the greedy hands of government out of their pocketbooks, and the boots of the authoritarians off of their necks, it will be because the TEA Party stood with them. It will be because average, ordinary Americans picked up their flags and their banners and said enough, we are Taxed Enough Already!!!

Republican Corner is a weekly addition to Post Scripts.

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