Republican Corner


(Larry Wahl -candidate for supervisor)

About our new writer for Post Scripts, Steve Thompson: Who am I? A married father of three, Army vet, college grad, and general pain-in-the-rear to anyone politically left of center. So Republican they made me a county chairman, so conservative they’re not sure if they want to keep me. Join me every Friday on Post Scripts for Republican Corner, and thank you for your stopping by.


The Case for Larry Wahl
By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

If you’re a local in the Chico area, you know who Larry Wahl is. He’s been a stalwart conservative, lately by himself, on the Chico City Council. Year after year the liberal majority puts on their progressive magic show while trying to stop any real economic progress. One member of the council has always called them on it. When the city’s budget went into the red, Larry made sure everyone knew. When they killed the Wal-Mart expansion (along with several hundred new jobs) Larry stood up to them. Whenever and wherever they pull their usual hair-brained schemes, Larry has been there to point it out to the public and the press.

Now Larry Wahl has decided to fry a bigger fish, and a bigger liberal than even the city council. Larry has thrown his hat in the ring to run for Butte County Supervisor against incumbent Jane Dolan (aka No Jobs Jane).

No Jobs Jane has held this seat for over thirty years now. It’s a nice, cushy government spot to collect a paycheck and several perks. She even voted a few years ago to give herself a pretty hefty pay raise (doubling her own pay). Not bad.

The problem is that a county supervisor is supposed to represent the interests of their constituents, not just themselves. I’m sure if you polled the people of the 2nd district, one of the top priorities they would have for their county supervisor would be job creation. They might be interested to know that Larry Wahl is a businessman who has actually signed the front of the check and not just the back. He knows the importance of bringing vital businesses to our county so that people can get jobs and earn a living, not just government subsistence. Larry knows that bringing in new business helps to not only create jobs, but to expand our tax base as well, which means less burden on the individual taxpayers. No Jobs Jane doesn’t seem to have much of a track record for creating jobs, and is no real friend of taxpayers, although she does have a lot of friends in the public employee unions.

Coming out of a cold winter, residents of the 2nd district might be interested to know that No Jobs Jane voted to ban woodstoves in the Chico area. For many it’s cheaper to heat your home with wood than electricity, but it’s not known if she wanted those who do so to bare the higher costs or, like Jimmy Carter once said, “just wear a sweater.”

Larry Wahl supports peoples’ right to heat their homes however they darn well please, and believes government has already intruded too much into our personal lives.

Voters might also like the fact that Larry Wahl is a service veteran. Larry was a US Navy pilot who did two tours of duty in Viet Nam and flew over 178 missions. When it comes to serving our country, Larry’s definitely paid his dues. That probably won’t stop Jane’s husband, Bob Mulholland, from running a nasty political smear campaign against Larry. Watch for really questionable accusations and mudslinging showing up in your mailbox against Larry, you’ll know it’s from Bob.


The Butte County Republican Party is hosting a precinct walk for Larry, and Erny Spears (another businessman/candidate for 3rd District Supervisor) this Saturday, 9:00 am, at the Oak Way Park on the corner of 8th Avenue and Hwy32/Nord. If you want to help elect conservatives to local office, come out and lend us a hand. Just bring your walking shoes.

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