SUNDAY SERMON ~ Love and Forgiveness

Composed by a visiting Minister for Post Scripts


Love is blind”, or so they say. And as mere human beings we tend to see that which is superficial and not what is inside. We miss so much by not seeing the depth of one’s character and the beauty within. God’s love sees all and accepts all with deep compassion, understanding and grace and He bestowed that godly love within us – along with our free will.

All our relationships — husbands and wives, children and parents, neighbors and friends, young and old, rich and poor, could reap many blessings if we embraced God’s love and shared that love as He meant us to do.

For too many of us, we go through our lives jaded and victimized by our fears, our biases, our transgressions and those transgressions by others against us. That makes us bitter and distrusting, it is emotionally crippling. It keeps us distant from others and it forces us to play foolish games.

We can present ourselves to the world dressed in fine clothing that covers our scars, but we do not heal, because we do not love and we do not forgive. We may even lie to ourselves about the ugliness, pain and suffering in our hearts because we lack the courage and strength to forgive and to love. We may live out our entire existence convinced that if people saw us as we are, they could never love us, because we fall short of loving them.

This is not the way God intended. The Sanctuary of God is within all of us and it allows us to redeem ourselves through the power of His courage and His strength; you need only ask God to restore that which you have lost. We could not possibly understand how such a transformation is possible, yet it is and we need only ask. “Dear God, forgive me for my transgressions and make me whole that I might love others as you love me. Amen.”

Only through love can one see what needs to be seen and is worthy of being seen.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongdoing.
It does not delight in evil,
But rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves.
There is nothing love cannot face;
There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things that last forever:
Faith, hope, and love;
But the greatest of them all is love.
— 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
— 1 John 3:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear …
— 1 John 4:18

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
— 1 Peter 4:8-9

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